We now have 4 HD licenses and everyone uses it daily.
We will be using it as a primary presentation tool with customers.
Our results are impressive and getting better all the time.
Hypershot has fundamentally changed the way we do Industrial Design.
We can now have very real and valid discussions about 0.200" vs. 0.050" surface crowns;
We can now "prototype" our LED effects and accurate displays.
We can generate incredibly persuasive images and lead our customers into heavy discussions on brand and marketing.
I have never been this impressed with a piece of software.
Please communicate this to your team and keep up the excellent work.
Information on Wingspan Design
We provide product development services tailored specifically to your company's needs.
We provide critical design, branding, engineering, and product development services.
We make products easier to sell and help increase ROI.
In our experience those who enjoy their work do it well.
Industrial design makes us positively giddy.
For more information, contact us:
Wingspan Design
1376 Bank Street, Suite 203
Ottawa, Ontario, K1H 7Y3
Ph: (613) 733-3866
Fax: (775) 855-4714